Today was one of those ‘full body’ WODs that I can tell is going to have me aching (in the best sort of way) all through the weekend.

As heavy as possible up to a 1RM

I said yesterday that I was looking forward to testing a 1RM for Press when it came around. Seems anticipation isn’t enough to set a new PR. Oh well.

I successfully lifted 145 and took two shots at 165 failing both. My current 1RM is 155. Not a big deal to miss it. But I have to admit, I really EXPECTED to be able to lift that 165.

I had the chance to share a rack with a new member to the 6:15 crew. And on his first day he put up a one rep max of 175! I was 95% thrilled for him and 5% jealous/envious of his raw strength.

I’ve been stuck at 155# after 3+ years of Crossfit and he just drove this barbell up and could have done more! Dang!

Mostly though, I really enjoyed sharing the platform with him, encouraging him and seeing him succeed. That was very, very cool.

I continue to be impressed with the Crossfit Durham community and especially our 6:15 crew. Chip and Griff were using the rack across from us and they saw what he was accomplishing and were very complimentary. Craig came by and checked in on us and celebrated with us when Jonathan maxed out at 175!

It’s always great when this crew embraces the new guy. We all remember the feeling of our first day and we look out for the new folks.

For Time:
15 Power Snatches (115/75)
30 Lateral Bar Jumps
12 Power Snatches (135)
30 Lateral Bar Jumps
12 TTB
9 Power Snatches (155
30 Lateral Bar Jumps
15 TTB
Time cap of 15 minutes

Oh my gosh what a METCON! I scaled the weights for the snatches.

Started Rx at 115. Did the second round at 125#. Moved up to 135# for the last round. Hit one snatch, then failed the next two. I stripped 20# and went back to 115 for the final round.

I completed all T2B Rx. That was satisfying as they have been eluding me lately. They weren’t smooth, or unbroken, but I got all the reps in. That was the goal today.

Lateral bar hops were fun! Ski season’s coming and lateral bar hops always remind me of downhill turns. So I try to envision myself on a slope somewhere carving turns while doing this exercise. It makes it easier for me to extend my reps.

I keep telling myself, “That was only 10 hops. That’s 10 turns. You’d never stop a ski run after just 10 turns. Keep going!” It works for me.

Finished the work in 13:59.

So some days you walk out of the gym thinking, “that wasn’t so bad.” Your step is light, muscles feel good. You’re nice and loose and ready to conquer your day.

Today on the other hand was a day where I took a 6 minute car ride from the gym to my kids’ school. By the time I arrived I realized I needed to set both feet squarely on the ground outside my car just so I could stand up. Because as soon as I swung the left leg out I realized I didn’t have the strength o starbility to hold myself upright on just one leg. There’s going to be a lot of mobility breaks in my work day today. I promise you.

Speaking of the kids’s school. It was great fun this morning taking part in the Phys Ed Teacher’s holiday kick off, “jump into the new year,” event. Basically we all just jumped rope for 30 minutes. The kids showed off tricks and different moves they’ve learned in class. I showed off both of my speed jump ropes and some double unders. By my standards, the gods were laughing at me again, but the kids seemed duly impressed by the limited reps I was able to string together. “Wow, that’s FAST!”

More importantly, many of the kids who were not my own wanted turns using my speed ropes instead of the beaded ropes from their PE class.

It was a lot of fun goofing around with all of the kids and playing with them and being active. Definitely reinforces my goal of one day becoming a Crossfit Kids coach.

Goals: now that’s a topic that I’ve got to give some time and thought to over the holidays. I don’t think I hit many of the goals that I published last year. But I know I accomplished far more than I expected to in the last year, so I’m not upset. The accomplishments just came from unanticipated places. Which really makes me wonder about how I want to define my goals this year. I may need to rethink my strategy.